Home Matters: Upcoming events, tours and classes

Home Matters: Upcoming events, tours and classes

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some events are being canceled or postponed. Please verify prior to attending.

Sept. 24: Calling all kids interested in learning about bugs in the garden. Geared toward kindergarteners through fifth graders, the Olivewood for Garden Explorers: All About Bugs! class lets children learn about insects and plants through hands-on activities. Cost: $10 National City resident; $20 nonresident. When: 9-11 a.m. Where: Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center, 2525 N Ave., National City. Information: (619) 434-4281 or olivewoodgardens.org/events/garden-explorers-all-about-bugs/.

Sept. 24: The Master Gardener Association of San Diego County Plant Sale will feature thousands of plants from hundreds of varieties and unique garden items, as well as exhibits and demonstrations such as how to compost and good bugs/bad bugs. Cost: free. When: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Where: Casa del Prado and surrounding patios, Balboa Park. Information: (858) 822-7711 or mastergardenersd.org/plant-sale/.

Sept: 26: Homeowners will learn how to better prepare for wildfire during a program offered by the Water Conservation Garden. Thomas Shoots, fire captain and public information officer for Cal Fire, will discuss key elements of defensible space and how community members can help reduce the risk of fires. Cost: free. When: 10:30-11:30 a.m. Where: The Water Conservation Garden, 12122 Cuyamaca College Drive W., El Cajon. Information: (619) 660-0614, ext. 10, or thegarden.org/product/residential-fire-safety-2022/.

Oct. 1: October is the start of California’s “second season” of planting, and the Fall Veggie Gardening class offered by Armstrong Garden Centers will show participants how to grow lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, blueberries and more in their gardens or in pots. Cost: free. When: 9-10 a.m. Where: Check your local Armstrong Garden Centers. Information: eventbrite.com/e/free-in-store-class-fall-veggie-gardening-tickets-401501510827.

Oct. 7: The ins and outs of recycling will be the topic of a program presented by San Diego’s Recycling Specialist Jennifer Ott-Rol. With a residential focus, “How To Recycle Right in San Diego” will give an overview of the city’s recycling programs and show participants how to recycle correctly. Cost: free. When: 10-11:30 a.m. Where: Scripps Miramar Ranch Library Center, 10301 Scripps Lake Drive, San Diego. Information: (858) 538-8158 or sandiego.librarymarket.com/event/how-recycle-right-san-diego.

Oct. 12: An award-winning succulent designer will present tips and give other advice on designing a garden with succulents. Laura Eubanks, owner of landscape design company Design for Serenity and innovator of the “succulent tapestry,” will speak to the Point Loma Garden Club. Cost: free. When: 9:30 a.m. to noon. Where: Portuguese Hall, 2818 Avenida de Portugal, San Diego. Information: plgc.org/event-4888095.

Oct. 15: The Friends of San Diego Architecture lecture series has returned to in-person talks after two years of virtual presentations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Architect/designer Drew Hubble’s topic will be a review of cross-border design. Cost: free students; $5 donation otherwise. Where: NewSchool of Architecture and Design, 1249 F St., San Diego. Information: (619) 224-8584 or friendsofsdarch.com/.

Oct. 15: Drought-tolerant plants will be the focus of the California Native Plant Society San Diego Chapter’s annual fall plant sale. More than 150 species of native plants and more than 100 species of native seeds and bulbs will be available for sale including shade trees, water-wise shrubs, seasonal flowers, cactuses and succulents, and bee-friendly ground covers. Also on hand will be books to purchase and gardening experts to answer questions. Cost: free. When: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Where: Casa del Prado courtyard, Balboa Park. Information: cnpssd.org/events/plantsale-feb-15-yzm3b.

Oct. 16: Homeowners interested in bringing more green into their lives and residences will be able to garner ideas during the San Diego Green Homes Tour, now called the Green Home Tour Series. The event will take a different approach this year with a smaller-sized, in-depth tour at one to three eco-friendly and innovative projects instead of self-guided tours at several homes. The 2022 theme for the first series is “Small Living;” the tentative plan calls for a 30-minute lecture followed by a 10-15 minute tour of a property and a 10-15 minute “ask the pros” session. Cost: $10 (tentative at press time). When: 12-3 p.m. with a new session on the hour. Where: One project is in Hillcrest and organizers hope to add one more site. Information: sdgreenhomestour.org/.

Oct. 22: Interested in a variety of flowers and plants? TheBirds, Bees, Flowers and Trees” event, presented by the San Diego Floral Association, is made for you. Representatives and experts from various floral, eco-friendly and horticulture organizations and societies will be available to answer questions about a specific plant or flower or the groups themselves. Cost: free. When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Casa del Prado and El Prado, Balboa Park. Information: (619) 232-5762 or sdfloral.org/special-event.htm.

To publish an event, send information to [email protected].